
Local 475 Committees


Labour Management Committee 

Consists of the local president, all local vice presidents, and our OPSEU staff representative.
Responsible for:  Bringing forward your concerns to the employer on a regular basis to come to an agreement on a go-forward basis.  This committee is intended to clarify differences in the Collective Agreement, scheduling issues, and any other concerns that are brought up.
Local President - Jeffrey Eamer
OPSEU Staff Representative - Sophie Shamoon
1st VP TOH & CHEO - Melissa Pleasance
2nd VP Equity - Marcia Beeftink
3rd VP Central - Denise Marion-Quinlan
4th VP East- Laurie Williams
5th VP West - VACANT
Chief Steward - Jared Fontaine
Local Secretary - Lisa Fawley


Return to Work Committee

Consists of the local president and two elected members.
Responsible for:  Representing you during return to work meetings, WSIB applications & appeals, and accommodation meetings. If you have a meeting scheduled with the employer and want your union to attend with you, please let us know and we will be happy to support you.
Chair - Jeffrey Eamer
Denise Marion-Quinlan
Calista Hagarty
Melissa Pleasance


Pay Equity Committee

Consists of the local president, two elected members
Responsible for:  Pay Equity of all positions across EORLA to ensure staff are being paid properly according to other male job comparators in our field of work.
Chair - Melissa Shaw
Rose Omole
Jeffrey Eamer



 Grievance Committee

 Consists of the local president, three elected members
 Responsible for: Attending & running grievance meetings with the employer
Chair - Jeffrey Eamer
Chief Steward - Jared Fontaine
Denise Marion-Quinlan
Lisa Fawley
Katherine Murphy


 Local Trustees

Consists of four elected members; two delegates and two alternates.

Responsible for:  Reviewing the local's finances twice a year and submitting audit reports to OPSEU Central. 

Delegate - Michelle Gagnon
Delegate - Hope Currier
Alternate - Line Berniquer
Alternate - VACANT


Communications Committee

Consists of the local president & three members

Responsible for:  Providing the membership with up-to-date information through Facebook page, website and direct membership emails. 

Chair - Jeffrey Eamer
Lisa Fawley 
Melissa Pleasance


Bargaining Committee

Consists of OPSEU bargaining agent, the local president, 4 elected members and 2 alternates.

Responsible for:  Bargaining the Collective Agreement with the employer.

Chair - Jeffrey Eamer
OPSEU Negotiaor - Sophie Shamoon
Lisa Fawley
Melissa Pleasance
Ryan Rosewell
Jared Fontaine
Carissa Kohnen
Alison Delorme